Sunday, May 5, 2013

Finding Your Passion

The title might seem odd, considering you have recently experienced a loss.

Yet often it is when we are at our most vunerable we are also given great insight to what our futures.
Insight does not always translate into clear visions.  Often it is the rumbling of discontent.

Pay attention to those rumblings.

Do not quickly dismiss them as after effects of your recent traumatic events. Instead, explore them quietly, with an open mind and not in a rush.

Ask yourself some questions and answer them honestly.  Free your responses from anything that could cause a blockage of healing power.

1.  Are you happy where you are living?  
Perhaps not as your current surroundings hold too many memories - good and bad. Where would you like to live - across town, across the state or across the globe?

Free yourself from any negative thoughts - such as "I have no money," "I would have to sell my house." "This is crazy."

2. Do you wake up everyday, contented to go to work?
Few of us head to work harmonizing like the Seven Dwarfs going off to the diamond mines.  However, there should be an air of contentment. If while brushing your teeth, a knot forms in your stomach or that headache never seems to go away until Friday afternoon, odds are your job is not gratifying.

You can argue about supporting your family or how lucky to have a job in a crap economy.
Valid points both of them, but also ask yourself about the damage you are doing to your life and those of the ones around you, by being so frustrated and unhappy.

3. Realize happiness is within your power.
Accept that fact and release an often unseen power to create a new you.

Of course some of you might feel this is mumbo jumbo, yet I am not asking you to change your name to Sunshine Rosybutt, head to a mountain top and eat pine nuts.

I am asking you to let go of parts of your life that are not working and find what will work.

4. What are my passions?
Adopt an elementary position - namely what made you happy in elementary school?

Did you love to draw or were you the class rock hound?  When a fellow classmate was hurting were you the first one to offer comfort or were you the one with perfect pitch who was always asked to sing?

Perhaps, now you are a CPA who would rather be an animal therapist?

Explore your options and act upon them.

The photo used with this article best illustrates a man willing to risk security and color his world with passion in order to bring contentment.

Passion is what keeps our life at its most interesting.

Whatever grief you are experiencing your life is continuing, whether you want it to or not.

Find the courage to welcome passion back into your life.  It will never diminish your experience, but instead of making you a victim you will thrive.

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