Monday, May 6, 2013

Transforming Grief into Activism: The Sandy Hook Promise

The Sandy Hook

Our hearts are broken;
Our spirit is not.
And it is with this knowledge
that we are able to move forward
with purpose…and strength…
This is a Promise
To support our own
our families, our neighbors, our teachers, our community
with dedication and love
as well as the material and financial needs they will require
in the days ahead.
This is a Promise
To truly honor the lives lost
by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation.
This is a Promise
To be open to all possibilities.
There is no agenda other than to make
our community and our nation a safer, better place.
This is a Promise
To have the conversations on ALL the issues
Conversations where listening is as important as speaking.
Conversations where even those with the most opposing views
can debate in good will.
This is a Promise
To turn the conversation into actions.
Things must change.
This is the time.
This is a Promise
We make to our precious children.
Because each child, every human life is filled with promise,
and though we continue to be filled with unbearable pain
we choose love, belief, and hope
instead of anger.
This is a Promise
To do everything in our power to be remembered
not as the town filled with grief and victims;
but as the place where
real change began.
Our hearts are broken;
Our spirit is not.
This is our promise.

Click here to read the their website.

Watch the Wheelers and Peter Yarrow being interviewed by Bill Moyers.

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