Saturday, April 1, 2017

Meditation's Healing Ways

Dear One,

Did today dawn a bit brighter after yesterday’s extreme darkness?

A period of confusion, hurt and restlessness has enveloped you. Much like hitting an icy patch with your car, it is understandable you experience that dreadful spinning out of control feeling. The good news is this phase is not eternal. Better news comes from meditating. It strengthens your resolve, clears the chaos and establishes a distinct path to where you are the most loved. The destination is the home within yourself.

Through our past conversations, I know you are on a spiritual journey.  You have asked about my similar experiences. Never has such a trek been an easy quest, but find comfort in the bravery of your dedication. The commitment to clearing away the ensnaring brambles of one’s life to find own’s true nature, through meditation, is a practice of simplifying.

From my own experience, I accepted the need to rid myself of deeply-rooted prejudices, false logic and past hurt. The negative needed to be eliminated. Thankfully, my Reiki teacher advised meditation.

“Be quiet, close your eyes and focus on your breathing,”

With those instructions, my cynical meter at full alert and bad knees aching I sank into a lotus position for my first foray into meditation.

It lasted a total of two minutes. Actually, a minute and 48 seconds. Pain from my bent knees shouted through the silence. Frequent adjustments came to no avail. After 10 minutes, the lure of an unopened box of Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies proved stronger than reaching enlightenment.

The next day I laid down. My prone position invited cat attacks of persistent kneading and purring. Once the kitty assaults calmed down, my eyes closed. My breathing became slow and deep then I fell asleep. I awoke 40 minutes later extremely relaxed so considered the attempt a minor success. The third try, seated upright in a chair, finally proved the perfect positioning,

It still does for me.

Wiping the computer, AKA my brain, free of all thought and constant churning became easier when the in/out pattern of my breath and where it is felt within my body captured my concentration. I now flow with the silence rather than fight against it. When my mind wanders, I refocus on my breath. Some distractions continue to rap nosily against my inner peace. Acknowledging and promising to give attention to the matter(s) at a future date works.

Discovering the true me, through meditation, involved choking sobs at painful memories and unresolved issues. It also freed the confidence to shed destructive habits, seek acceptance and solutions. Difficult reactions eventually transformed into tranquility. The latter’s direct connection to meditation increases the desire to practice - especially when life gets antsy. We all have those snatched moments being stuck in traffic, a long line at the grocery store or a sudden flash of uneasiness crops up. Breathe in and out to welcome the calm.

I now embrace simplicity. The joy gathered through birdsong or being refreshed from watermelon I grew replace my former faulty avenues to achieving bliss.

There is an old saying, “we are all put on this earth to help each other.”

I am here for you, but please recognize most of this journey is done on your own. As your meditation practice begins and flourishes, I know one certain thing. The person you discover has been within you all along. Think of tidying your garage to find a wonderful gem long packed under the old clutter. Now you shine even brighter and through your serenity can conquer everything Life presents.

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